Я хочу получить в Админ панеле только несколько идентификаторов из MySql на php.

Вот пример из MySql в картинке

А это мой код:

    // create array variable to store data from database
    $data = array();

        // check value of keyword variable
        $keyword = $function->sanitize($_GET['keyword']);
        $bind_keyword = "%".$keyword."%";
        $keyword = "";
        $bind_keyword = $keyword;

    // get currency symbol from setting table
    $sql_query = "SELECT Value 
            FROM tbl_setting 
            WHERE Variable = 'Currency'";

    $stmt = $connect->stmt_init();
    if($stmt->prepare($sql_query)) {    
        // Execute query
        // store result 

    // get all data from menu table and category table
        $sql_query = "SELECT Menu_ID, Menu_name, Category_name, Price, Serve_for, Menu_image, Quantity 
                FROM tbl_menu m, tbl_category c
                WHERE m.Category_ID = c.Category_ID  
                ORDER BY m.Menu_ID DESC";
        $sql_query = "SELECT Menu_ID, Menu_name, Category_name, Price, Serve_for, Menu_image, Quantity  
                FROM tbl_menu m, tbl_category c
                WHERE m.Category_ID = c.Category_ID AND Menu_name LIKE ? 
                ORDER BY m.Menu_ID DESC";

    $stmt = $connect->stmt_init();
    if($stmt->prepare($sql_query)) {    
        // Bind your variables to replace the ?s
            $stmt->bind_param('s', $bind_keyword);
        // Execute query
        // store result 

        // get total records
        $total_records = $stmt->num_rows;

    // check page parameter
        $page = $_GET['page'];
        $page = 1;

    // number of data that will be display per page     
    $offset = 10;

    //lets calculate the LIMIT for SQL, and save it $from
    if ($page){
        $from   = ($page * $offset) - $offset;
        //if nothing was given in page request, lets load the first page
        $from = 0;  

    // get all data from reservation table
        $sql_query = "SELECT Menu_ID, Menu_name, Category_name, Price, Serve_for, Menu_image, Quantity  
                FROM tbl_menu m, tbl_category c
                WHERE m.Category_ID = c.Category_ID  
                ORDER BY m.Menu_ID DESC LIMIT ?, ?";
        $sql_query = "SELECT Menu_ID, Menu_name, Category_name, Price, Serve_for, Menu_image, Quantity  
                FROM tbl_menu m, tbl_category c
                WHERE m.Category_ID = c.Category_ID AND Menu_name LIKE ? 
                ORDER BY m.Menu_ID DESC LIMIT ?, ?";

    $stmt_paging = $connect->stmt_init();
    if($stmt_paging ->prepare($sql_query)) {
        // Bind your variables to replace the ?s
            $stmt_paging ->bind_param('ss', $from, $offset);
            $stmt_paging ->bind_param('sss', $bind_keyword, $from, $offset);
        // Execute query
        $stmt_paging ->execute();
        // store result 
        $stmt_paging ->store_result();


        // for paging purpose
        $total_records_paging = $total_records; 

    // if no data on database show "No Reservation is Available"
    if($total_records_paging == 0){
  • 1
    AND c.Category_ID IN (1,2,3,4,5.....N) в WHERE добавить
    – sterx
    9 фев 2019 в 5:40
  • Спасибо большое sterx . Это работает.
    – Shih
    9 фев 2019 в 5:57
  • @sterx как ответ оформите (: 9 фев 2019 в 7:21

1 ответ 1


AND c.Category_ID IN (1,2,3,4,5.....N) в WHERE добавить

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