Я тут считал записи из файла в массив, в case 3 редактирую запись по введенной фамилии, в массив я записал, как теперь записать все правильно в файл имея данные переменные?
#pragma hdrstop
#include <vcl.h>
#pragma argsused
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <conio.h>
struct TZap {
char FIO[30];
int god_r;
int n_gr;
int ocen_fiz, ocen_mat, ocen_inf, ocen_him;
double s_b;
} Zap;
int size = sizeof( TZap );
FILE *Fz, *Ft;
char File_Zap[] = "zapisi.dat";
char File_Rez[] = "rezult.txt";
void Out( TZap );
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
int kod, D_f, i = 0, j, kol, x = -1;
char afio[30];
int agod_r, an_gr, aocen_fiz, aocen_mat, aocen_inf, aocen_him, as_b, kod_edit;
long len;
TZap st, *mas_Z;
Ft = fopen( File_Rez, "w" );
char fio_edit[30];
while( true ) {
puts( "\n\n 1 - Create\n 2 - Add\n 3 - Edit\n 4 - View\n\n 0 - Exit" );
printf( "\n\t" );
scanf( "%d", &kod );
switch( kod ) {
case 1:
if( ( Fz = fopen( File_Zap, "wb" ) ) == NULL ) {
puts( "\n Create ERROR! Press any key!" );
fclose( Fz );
printf( "\n Create New File %s !\n", File_Zap );
case 2:
Fz = fopen( File_Zap, "ab" );
printf( "\n F.I.O. - " );
fflush( stdin );
printf( "\n\t" );
gets( Zap.FIO );
printf( " Year of birth - " );
printf( "\n\t" );
scanf( "%d", &Zap.god_r );
printf( " Group number - " );
printf( "\n\t" );
scanf( "%d", &Zap.n_gr );
printf( " Physics - " );
printf( "\n\t" );
scanf( "%d", &Zap.ocen_fiz );
printf( " Mathematics - " );
printf( "\n\t" );
scanf( "%d", &Zap.ocen_mat );
printf( " Computer science - " );
printf( "\n\t" );
scanf( "%d", &Zap.ocen_inf );
printf( " Chemistry - " );
printf( "\n\t" );
scanf( "%d", &Zap.ocen_him );
printf( " Mark - " );
printf( "\n\t" );
scanf( "%lf", &Zap.s_b );
fwrite( &Zap, size, 1, Fz );
fclose( Fz );
case 3:
if( ( Fz = fopen( File_Zap, "rb" ) ) == NULL ) {
puts( "\n Open ERROR! Press any key!" );
printf( "\n Vvedite F.I.O." );
fflush( stdin );
printf( "\n\t" );
gets( fio_edit );
Fz = fopen( File_Zap, "rb" );
D_f = fileno( Fz );
len = filelength( D_f );
kol = len / size;
mas_Z = new TZap[kol];
for( i = 0; i < kol; i++ ) {
fread( ( mas_Z + i ), size, 1, Fz );
fclose( Fz );
for( int i = 0; i < kol; ++i )
if( strcmp( mas_Z[i].FIO, fio_edit ) == 0 ) {
x = i;
else {
x = -1;
if( x == -1 ) {
puts( "\tSovpadenii net" );
else {
printf( " Edit:\n 1 - F.I.O\n 2 - Year of birth\n 3 - Group number\n 4 - Physics\n 5 - Mathematics\n 6 - Computer science\n 7 - Chemistry\n 8 - Mark\n" );
printf( "\n\t" );
scanf( "%d", &kod_edit );
if( kod_edit == 1 ) {
printf( " Vvedite F.I.O" );
printf( "\n\t" );
scanf( "%s", &afio );
strcpy( mas_Z[x].FIO, afio );
printf( " %s", mas_Z[x].FIO );
delete []mas_Z;
case 4:
if( ( Fz = fopen( File_Zap, "rb" ) ) == NULL ) {
puts( "\n Open ERROR! Press any key!" );
printf( "\n\t--------- Informations ---------\n" );
fprintf( Ft, "\n\t--------- Informations ---------" );
while( 1 ) {
if( !fread( &Zap, size, 1, Fz ) ) {
Out( Zap );
fclose( Fz );
case 0:
fclose( Ft );
return( 0 );
return( 0 );
void Out( TZap z )
printf( "\n %20s, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %1f\n\n\t", z.FIO, z.god_r, z.n_gr,
z.ocen_fiz, z.ocen_mat, z.ocen_inf, z.god_r, z.s_b );
fprintf( Ft, "\n %20s, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %1f\n\n\t", z.FIO, z.god_r,
z.n_gr, z.ocen_fiz, z.ocen_mat, z.ocen_inf, z.god_r, z.s_b );
, код по сути сишный.