Линию от точки к точке рисуем при помощи двух треугольников, создаем MeshRenderer и для него создаем последовательно от точки к точке линии, дополняя. Код из нашего проекта , брал пример из сети, рисовал 2D графики.
Для физики можно повешать потом на объект Rigidbody2D и попробовать либо PolygonCollider2D, либо придется на каждую линию BoxCollider2D вешать.
Вот код класса рисующего линии по точкам добавляемым в процессе рисования
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using ThreadPriority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority;
[RequireComponent (typeof (MeshFilter))]
/// <summary>
/// Generates a trail that is always facing upwards using the scriptable mesh interface.
/// vertex colors and uv's are generated similar to the builtin Trail Renderer.
/// To use it
/// 1. create an empty game object
/// 2. attach this script and a MeshRenderer
/// 3. Then assign a particle material to the mesh renderer
/// </summary>
public class Line : MonoBehaviour {
public float height = 2.0f;
public float time = 2.0f;
public bool localDraw = false;
public float minDistance = 0.1f;
public Color startColor = Color.white;
public Color endColor = new Color (1, 1, 1, 0);
public Mesh mesh;
protected List<TrailSection> sections;
protected TrailSection lastSection;
private float testNormal = 1.0f;
private Transform cachedTransform;
private Vector3[] vertices;
private Color[] colors;
private Vector2[] uv;
private Vector3[] normals;
private int[] triangles;
private bool needUpdate = false;
private Thread threadCalcMesh;
private object lockOn = new object();
// Use this for initialization
protected virtual void Awake () {
// Rebuild the mesh
cachedTransform = transform;
mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
/*AddPoint(new Vector3(0.0f,0.0f));
AddPoint(new Vector3(5.0f,4.0f));
AddPoint(new Vector3(8.0f,2.0f));
AddPoint(new Vector3(10.0f,12.0f));
virtual public void Clear() {
sections = new List<TrailSection>();
lastSection = null;
transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
/*if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)){
// this.AddPoint(Input.mousePosition);
testNormal *= -1;
Sender.SendEventHierarchy(EventDiagram.UPDATE, this);
if (needUpdate)
//if (Monitor.TryEnter(lockOn))
lock (lockOn)
mesh.vertices = vertices;
mesh.colors = colors;
mesh.uv = uv;
mesh.triangles = triangles;
mesh.normals = normals;
needUpdate = false;
virtual public void ReDraw(){
virtual protected void OnEnable(){
Sender.SendEventHierarchy(EventDiagram.UPDATE, this);
virtual protected void OnDisable(){
virtual public void AddPoint(Vector3 position){
Vector3 vDistance = Vector3.zero;
if (lastSection != null){
vDistance = lastSection.point - position;
// Add a new trail section
if (lastSection == null || vDistance.sqrMagnitude > minDistance * minDistance)
var section = new TrailSection();
section.point = position;
if (localDraw)
section.forwardDir = Vector3.forward;
section.forwardDir = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
lastSection = section;
virtual protected void updateAfterAddPoint(){
public void MeshUpdate () {
// We need at least 2 sections to create the line
if (sections.Count < 2)
if (threadCalcMesh != null && threadCalcMesh.IsAlive)
threadCalcMesh = new Thread(recalcMesh);
threadCalcMesh.IsBackground = true;
threadCalcMesh.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
void recalcMesh(object scaleV)
int sectCount = sections.Count;
int vert = (sectCount - 1) * 4;
Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vert];
Color[] colors = new Color[vert];
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[vert];
Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[vert];
TrailSection previousSection;// = sections[0];
TrailSection currentSection = sections[0];
TrailSection nextSection;// = sections[0];
// Use matrix instead of transform.TransformPoint for performance reasons
//Matrix4x4 localSpaceTransform = transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
Vector3 upDir, upDirCross;
Vector3 vec;
Vector3 vec1, vec2, vecCross;
int idx;
Vector3 vectorScale = (Vector3) scaleV;
// Generate vertex, uv and colors
for (int i = 1; i < sectCount; i++)
previousSection = currentSection;
currentSection = sections[i];
if (i < sectCount - 1)
nextSection = sections[i + 1];
nextSection = currentSection;
// Calculate u for texture uv and color interpolation
vec = currentSection.point - previousSection.point;
vec1 = currentSection.point - previousSection.point;
vec2 = currentSection.point - nextSection.point;
vecCross = Vector3.Cross(vec1, vec2);
// Calculate upwards direction
upDir = Vector3.Cross(-vec, Vector3.forward);
upDir *= height / 2;
upDir = Vector3.Scale(upDir, vectorScale);
idx = (i - 1) * 4;
if (i == 1)
vertices[idx + 0] = previousSection.point - upDir;
vertices[idx + 1] = previousSection.point + upDir;
vertices[idx + 0] = previousSection.crossUp ? previousSection.point - upDir : vertices[idx - 2];
vertices[idx + 1] = !previousSection.crossUp ? previousSection.point + upDir : vertices[idx - 1]; ;
if (i + 1 == sectCount)
vertices[idx + 2] = currentSection.point - upDir;
vertices[idx + 3] = currentSection.point + upDir;
// ищем точку пересечения секции со следующей секцией
currentSection.crossUp = Vector3.Dot(vecCross, currentSection.forwardDir) < 0;
upDirCross = Vector3.Cross(vec2.normalized - vec1.normalized, currentSection.forwardDir);
//upDirCross = vec1 + vec2;
//float sinb = Vector3.Cross(vec1.normalized, vec2.normalized).magnitude;
upDirCross *= height / 2;// / sinb;
upDirCross = Vector3.Scale(upDirCross, vectorScale);
// Поиск точки как сумму векторов
vec1 *= height / 2;
vec1 = Vector3.Scale(vec1, vectorScale);
vec2 *= height / 2;
vec2 = Vector3.Scale(vec2, vectorScale);
upDirCross = -vec1 - vec2;*/
if (currentSection.crossUp)
vertices[idx + 2] = currentSection.point - upDir;
vertices[idx + 3] = currentSection.point + upDirCross;
vertices[idx + 2] = currentSection.point - upDirCross;
vertices[idx + 3] = currentSection.point + upDir;
float u = 0.0f;
u = Mathf.Clamp01((float)(i - 1) / sectCount);
uv[idx + 0] = new Vector2(u, 0);
uv[idx + 1] = new Vector2(u, 1);
u = Mathf.Clamp01((float)i / sectCount);
uv[idx + 2] = new Vector2(u, 0);
uv[idx + 3] = new Vector2(u, 1);
// fade colors out over time
Color interpolatedColor = Color.Lerp(startColor, endColor, u);
colors[idx + 0] = interpolatedColor;
colors[idx + 1] = interpolatedColor;
colors[idx + 2] = interpolatedColor;
colors[idx + 3] = interpolatedColor;
normals[idx + 0] = currentSection.forwardDir * testNormal;
normals[idx + 1] = currentSection.forwardDir * testNormal;
normals[idx + 2] = currentSection.forwardDir * testNormal;
normals[idx + 3] = currentSection.forwardDir * testNormal;
// Generate triangles indices
int[] triangles = new int[(sectCount - 1) * 6 + (sectCount - 2) * 3];
int sectionNum = 1;
int idx4, idx9;
float cntStep = ((float)triangles.Length) / 9;
for (int i = 0; i < cntStep; i++)
idx9 = i * 9;
idx4 = i * 4;
//Первый треугольник
triangles[idx9 + 0] = idx4;
triangles[idx9 + 1] = idx4 + 1;
triangles[idx9 + 2] = idx4 + 2;
//Второй треугольник
triangles[idx9 + 3] = idx4 + 2;
triangles[idx9 + 4] = idx4 + 1;
triangles[idx9 + 5] = idx4 + 3;
if (sectionNum + 1 == sectCount)
//соединяющий треугольник
if (sections[sectionNum].crossUp)
triangles[idx9 + 6] = idx4 + 2;
triangles[idx9 + 7] = idx4 + 3;
triangles[idx9 + 8] = idx4 + 4;
//соединяющий треугольник
triangles[idx9 + 6] = idx4 + 2;
triangles[idx9 + 7] = idx4 + 3;
triangles[idx9 + 8] = idx4 + 5;
lock (lockOn)
this.vertices = vertices;
this.colors = colors;
this.uv = uv;
this.triangles = triangles;
this.normals = normals;
needUpdate = true;
protected Vector3 getVectorScale(){
return new Vector3(1 / transform.localScale.x, 1/ transform.localScale.y, 1 / transform.localScale.z);
Предупреждаю код из проекта, поэтому могут быть какие то хвосты, вроде вызова внешних событий и т.п. Как использовать вроде бы есть в комментариях
Line Renderer
для рисования линий docs.unity3d.com/ru/current/Manual/class-LineRenderer.html .......зачем вам коллиззи и Rigidbody? что хотите добиться в итоге?rigidbody
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