Ошибок не выдает, бот имеет права администратора, но роль не выдается.
import disnake
from disnake import ChannelType
from disnake.ext import commands
from disnake.errors import NotFound
import json
from config import settings
intents = disnake.Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True
intents.reactions = True
intents.members = True
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=settings['prefix'], intents=intents)
role_reactions_dict = {}
json_file = "role_reactions.json"
def load_reactions():
with open(json_file, "r") as file:
return json.load(file)
except FileNotFoundError:
return {}
def save_reactions(reactions):
with open(json_file, "w") as file:
json.dump(reactions, file)
role_reactions_dict = load_reactions()
async def add_role_reaction(ctx, message_id: int, emoji: str, role: disnake.Role):
message = None
for channel in ctx.guild.channels:
if channel.guild == ctx.guild and channel.type == ChannelType.text:
message = await channel.fetch_message(message_id)
except NotFound:
if not message:
await ctx.send("Сообщение с указанным ID не найдено.")
await message.add_reaction(emoji)
new_role = await ctx.guild.create_role(name=role.name, color=role.color)
role_reaction = {"message_id": message_id, "emoji": emoji, "role_id": new_role.id}
role_reaction["id"] = len(role_reactions_dict) + 1
role_reactions_dict[role_reaction["id"]] = role_reaction
await ctx.send(f"Роль '{new_role.name}' успешно создана за реакцией на сообщение с ID {message_id} emoji {emoji}")
async def on_raw_reaction_add(payload):
if not payload.guild_id:
for role_reaction in role_reactions_dict.values():
if (payload.message_id == role_reaction["message_id"] and
str(payload.emoji) == role_reaction["emoji"]):
guild = bot.get_guild(payload.guild_id)
if guild is not None:
role = guild.get_role(role_reaction["role_id"])
if role is not None:
member = guild.get_member(payload.user_id)
if member is not None:
await member.add_roles(role, reason="Role added by reaction.")
await member.add_roles(role, reason="Role added by reaction.")
print(f"Добавлена роль {role} пользователю {member}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Ошибка при добавлении роли {role} пользователю {member}: {e}")