Доброе время суток. У меня есть машина состояний. Допустим, пользователь запустил ее, но не довел до логического завершения. Как сделать автозакрытие машины состояний?
import logging
import aiogram.utils.markdown as md
from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher, types
from aiogram.contrib.fsm_storage.memory import MemoryStorage
from aiogram.dispatcher import FSMContext
from aiogram.dispatcher.filters import Text
from aiogram.dispatcher.filters.state import State, StatesGroup
from aiogram.types import ParseMode
from aiogram.utils import executor
bot = Bot(token=API_TOKEN)
# For example use simple MemoryStorage for Dispatcher.
storage = MemoryStorage()
dp = Dispatcher(bot, storage=storage)
# States
class Form(StatesGroup):
name = State() # Will be represented in storage as 'Form:name'
age = State() # Will be represented in storage as 'Form:age'
gender = State() # Will be represented in storage as 'Form:gender'
async def cmd_start(message: types.Message):
Conversation's entry point
# Set state
await Form.name.set()
await message.reply("Hi there! What's your name?")
# You can use state '*' if you need to handle all states
@dp.message_handler(state='*', commands='cancel')
@dp.message_handler(Text(equals='cancel', ignore_case=True), state='*')
async def cancel_handler(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext):
Allow user to cancel any action
current_state = await state.get_state()
if current_state is None:
logging.info('Cancelling state %r', current_state)
# Cancel state and inform user about it
await state.finish()
# And remove keyboard (just in case)
await message.reply('Cancelled.', reply_markup=types.ReplyKeyboardRemove())
async def process_name(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext):
Process user name
async with state.proxy() as data:
data['name'] = message.text
await Form.next()
await message.reply("How old are you?")
# Check age. Age gotta be digit
@dp.message_handler(lambda message: not message.text.isdigit(), state=Form.age)
async def process_age_invalid(message: types.Message):
If age is invalid
return await message.reply("Age gotta be a number.\nHow old are you? (digits only)")
@dp.message_handler(lambda message: message.text.isdigit(), state=Form.age)
async def process_age(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext):
# Update state and data
await Form.next()
await state.update_data(age=int(message.text))
# Configure ReplyKeyboardMarkup
markup = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True, selective=True)
markup.add("Male", "Female")
await message.reply("What is your gender?", reply_markup=markup)
@dp.message_handler(lambda message: message.text not in ["Male", "Female", "Other"], state=Form.gender)
async def process_gender_invalid(message: types.Message):
In this example gender has to be one of: Male, Female, Other.
return await message.reply("Bad gender name. Choose your gender from the keyboard.")
async def process_gender(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext):
async with state.proxy() as data:
data['gender'] = message.text
# Remove keyboard
markup = types.ReplyKeyboardRemove()
# And send message
await bot.send_message(
md.text('Hi! Nice to meet you,', md.bold(data['name'])),
md.text('Age:', md.code(data['age'])),
md.text('Gender:', data['gender']),
# Finish conversation
await state.finish()
if __name__ == '__main__':
executor.start_polling(dp, skip_updates=True)