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99.5955 18.4066 99.3791 18.1306 99.3882L12.6405 99.5684C10.9813 99.6229 9.4003 99.3251 7.96417 98.7456Z" stroke="#FF1276" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dasharray="11 11"/>


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381.741 17.9102L387.181 18.1619C388.245 18.2111 389.28 18.4064 390.263 18.7317C390.521 18.8173 390.801 18.6798 390.891 18.424C392.632 19.0821 394.198 20.1375 395.462 21.5042C395.259 21.6842 395.236 21.9944 395.412 22.2022C396.083 22.9908 396.652 23.877 397.097 24.8449L399.71 30.5261C399.825 30.777 400.122 30.8869 400.373 30.7715L405.18 41.2253C404.929 41.3407 404.82 41.6376 404.935 41.8885L410.16 53.2509C410.275 53.5018 410.572 53.6117 410.823 53.4963L415.63 63.9501C415.379 64.0655 415.27 64.3624 415.385 64.6133L417.997 70.2945C418.834 72.1141 419.153 73.9946 419.04 75.803C419.023 76.0751 419.227 76.3099 419.497 76.3324C419.116 79.9616 417.073 83.2685 413.998 85.2332C413.856 85.0014 413.555 84.9241 413.319 85.061C411.753 85.9711 409.928 86.5273 407.927 86.593L402.436 86.7732C402.161 86.7823 401.944 87.0134 401.953 87.2893L391.972 87.617C391.963 87.341 391.732 87.1246 391.456 87.1336L380.476 87.4941C380.2 87.5031 379.984 87.7342 379.993 88.0102L370.012 88.3378C370.003 88.0618 369.772 87.8454 369.496 87.8545L358.516 88.2149C358.24 88.224 358.023 88.4551 358.033 88.7311L348.052 89.0587C348.043 88.7827 347.812 88.5663 347.536 88.5753L336.555 88.9358C336.279 88.9448 336.063 89.1759 336.072 89.4519L326.091 89.7795C326.082 89.5035 325.851 89.2871 325.575 89.2962L314.595 89.6566C314.319 89.6657 314.103 89.8968 314.112 90.1728L304.131 90.5004C304.122 90.2244 303.891 90.008 303.615 90.0171L292.635 90.3775C292.359 90.3865 292.142 90.6176 292.151 90.8936L282.171 91.2212C282.162 90.9452 281.931 90.7289 281.655 90.7379L270.674 91.0983C270.398 91.1074 270.182 91.3385 270.191 91.6145L260.21 91.9421C260.201 91.6661 259.97 91.4497 259.694 91.4588L248.714 91.8192C248.438 91.8283 248.222 92.0593 248.231 92.3353L238.25 92.6629C238.241 92.387 238.01 92.1706 237.734 92.1796L226.754 92.5401C226.478 92.5491 226.261 92.7802 226.27 93.0562L216.29 93.3838C216.281 93.1078 216.05 92.8914 215.774 92.9005L204.793 93.2609C204.517 93.27 204.301 93.501 204.31 93.777L194.329 94.1047C194.32 93.8287 194.089 93.6123 193.813 93.6213L182.833 93.9818C182.557 93.9908 182.341 94.2219 182.35 94.4979L172.369 94.8255C172.36 94.5495 172.129 94.3331 171.853 94.3422L160.873 94.7026C160.597 94.7117 160.38 94.9428 160.389 95.2188L150.409 95.5464C150.4 95.2704 150.169 95.054 149.893 95.063L138.912 95.4235C138.636 95.4325 138.42 95.6636 138.429 95.9396L128.448 96.2672C128.439 95.9912 128.208 95.7748 127.932 95.7839L116.952 96.1443C116.676 96.1534 116.46 96.3845 116.469 96.6605L106.488 96.9881C106.479 96.7121 106.248 96.4957 105.972 96.5048L94.9918 96.8652C94.7158 96.8742 94.4994 97.1053 94.5084 97.3813L84.5277 97.7089C84.5187 97.4329 84.2876 97.2166 84.0116 97.2256L73.0314 97.586C72.7554 97.5951 72.539 97.8262 72.5481 98.1022L62.5674 98.4298C62.5583 98.1538 62.3272 97.9374 62.0512 97.9465L51.0711 98.3069C50.7951 98.316 50.5787 98.547 50.5877 98.823L40.6071 99.1507C40.598 98.8747 40.3669 98.6583 40.0909 98.6673L29.1107 99.0277C28.8348 99.0368 28.6184 99.2679 28.6274 99.5439L18.6467 99.8715C18.6376 99.5955 18.4066 99.3791 18.1306 99.3882L12.6405 99.5684C10.9813 99.6229 9.4003 99.3251 7.96417 98.7456Z" stroke="#FF1276" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dasharray="11 11"/>
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  • Спасибо большое!
    – rvng
    Commented 10 авг. 2022 в 21:42

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